Gathering Storm Short Glove: Hand Picked Warmth Columbia’s glove line is quite expansive: from thin...
Post-holiday Outdoor Gear Essentials for Snowshoers
So, what gear made it into the backpacks of our gear reviewers after the holiday gift-giving surge...
Columbia’s Gathering Storm Glove Meets the Queen of Cold Hands
As a snowshoer and general outdoor enthusiast, I’ve always struggled to keep my hands warm and...
Giving the Glad Hand to Ergodyne’s ProFlex Gloves
Your hand is constructed of 27 bones. Hurt one of them, they're all going to hurt you right back...
Gear Review: Outdoor Research Northback Gloves
As far as I'm concerned, nothing ruins a good winter trip faster than a lousy set of gloves (except...
Gear Review: Columbia Majik Wands Gloves
In reality, there probably isn't much new technology out there to improve on the concept of the...
Gear Review: Marmot Andromeda Jacket and Gloves
One thing I love about Marmot's products is that they never underperform in a pinch. Marmot...
Gear Review: Ibex Kilometer Gloves
I once owned a pair of gloves – don't recall the brand name – that advertised to be the thinnest...
Gear Review: 180s Offers Versatile, Affordable Winter Gear
One major factor I forgot to consider when I started bicycle commuting this fall was the wind chill...
Gear Review: SportHill Pursuit II Top, Junior XC Pants, 3SP Gloves
I first tested my SportHill garb by going for a night's run; it was about 20 degrees and I was...