I first heard about a mysterious blue cream from the blogs of some of Canada’s top runners who were impressed with how it helped them through the rigors of training.
Having been riddled with a few nagging injuries recently, I was keen to find out a little more, and learned that Zanagen is fairly new to the market but has been touted by many as a safe and effective alternative to anti-inflammatories. Unlike anti-inflammatories that are ingested, Zanagen is applied and has no undesirable side effects.
Zanagen was developed in conjunction with Dr. Mark Lindsay, who is one of the most sought out chiropractors by top professional athletes and Olympians. The Zanagen line of Sports Topical Creams includes the pre-workout Ignite cream in red, and Post-Recovery Xccelerate in blue. Each 120 ml. canister is color-coded to match the cream color, and it almost feels like you are finger painting before and after each run.
The fun doesn’t end there; the real benefit is in feeling the results. The two creams form a system to penetrate the skin and, in the case of Ignite, help prepare it for exercise; and in the case of Xccelerate, to help heal after.
The colors also comply with the feel of the two creams. Red Ignite is a warming cream, and you can feel the heat being generated in your muscles and connecting tissue. Post-workout, the cooling of the blue Xccelerate is soothing.
The creams act as a stimulus to muscular circulation and cellular regeneration. You target the specific area of concern topically, whether it is an acute or chronic condition.
Having been in the process of recovering from some long-term injuries, I have been using the products regularly, and have been very happy with the results. Unlike many other topical creams that I have tried in the past that have merely provided a little bit of warmth and symptom relief, I have definitely found while using Zanagen that pain has decreased and range of motion has increased.
With the inevitable early season aches and pains associated with tired and sore muscles at the start of the snowshoe season, or if trying to recover from a long-term injury, I would encourage you to consider Zanagen and see the benefit for yourself.
For more information on Zanagen, including where it can be purchased, please visit www.zanagen.com.