Racing ‘Round the Clock so “When the clock strikes two, three and four,” those who finish first...
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Yukon Charlie’s Racing Snowshoes Debut at 2016 USSSA National Snowshoe Championships
What better way to introduce snowshoe racing models than elevating them to center stage. Yukon...
2016 Santa Fe Snowshoe Classic
New Mexico’s high desert country hasn’t seen this much snow in years. El Niño wasn’t an...
La Gatineau Loppet 2015
Despite a wind chill that sent the temperature plummeting to -35, the annual Gatineau Loppet...
Beaver Creek Snowshoe Race on March 1 Brings Locals to the Podium
Second race in the 2015 series brings temperate weather, a soft course, smiling snowshoers and...
Training Tips For Snowshoe Racing: Triathlete Brad Zoller Hits The Snow
When triathlete Brad Zoller lived in Chicago, he used to run the stairs to his apartment twice a...
USSSA National Championship Shoes: Sweden’s Icebugs to Top Medalists
Now a new reason to get those snow-miles of training in before the 2015 U.S. National Snowshoe...
ISSF World Snowshoe Championships + Québec Winter Carnival: Magnifique!
The excitingly festive January 31, 2015 International Snowshoe Federation World Snowshoe...
New Jeff Winter City of Lakes Half: A Twin Cities Marathon Herald
A race with 32 years of history hardly seems new, but 2014’s City of Lakes—the 33rd...
On Natchez Mountain: A Savage 100-Mile Trail Race
What is there, there on Natchez Road? Sitting quietly . . . a cut in the woods . . . is the back...
A Cardinal Day: MDRA’s Ron Daws 25K
A spring blizzard pounded the Twin Cities Friday with northern suburbs counting a new foot of...
It’s a Dion Year! Dion Snowshoes 2015 USSSA Title Sponsor
The United States Snowshoe Association announced Bennington Vermont’s Dion Snowshoes added a...