Bear Trax Adventures, a snowshoe touring company based in Killington has entered into a partnership with Killington Resorts.
Bear Trax will operate its snowshoe tours out of the Killington Clubhouse located on East Mount Road next to the Tubing Park beginning December 12, 2014. All levels of tours will be offered ranging from a family tour on the golf course to a heart pounding tour from Killington to Pico via the Pico Connect.
Lunch tours up to the yurt and full moon tours will be offered. Both group and private tours will be available. Tour prices include the use of snowshoes and poles.
Bear Trax Partner Lisa Davis Lewis said that she and her partner Lexi Cruse are very excited about this partnership: “We believe that we can provide a higher quality experience to our clientele through this partnership. Having a fixed location for our tours and one that has all the facilities of the clubhouse is huge. Moreover being able to provide tours on or near the mountain is fantastic. The support we are receiving from Killington is amazing and we are looking forward to getting started!”
Tours can be booked through Killington central reservations, online at or by phone 800-621-MTNS or at any ticket window.
Join Bear Trax Adventures for a guided trek as you snowshoe through a winter wonderland.
Bear Trax Adventures offers tours for all levels ranging from 1 hour – 4 hours in length. All tours meet at the Clubhouse Grill located next to the Tubing Park and across East Mountain Road from the Killington Grand Hotel. Morning, afternoon, evening and private tours are available.
First Steps: Family Exploration Tour
One Hour: Beginner & Families
$25 Adults / $15 Kids Ages 8-13 Min: 4 guests; Max: 12 guests
Designed for guests that are new to snowshoeing and families with young children
Classic Killington Tour
90 minutes: Advance Beginner – Intermediate
$45 per person Age 12+ Min: 4; Max: 12
This tour meanders around the Killington golf course and includes some gradual ascents and descents with vistas of Killington peak. This tour is perfect as a before or after alternative to skiing or as a stand-alone adventure.
Top of Snowshed Tour
2 hours: Intermediate
$45 per person Age 14 + Min: 4 guests; Max: 10
This intermediate tour explores the winding trails adjacent to the mountain. It includes an invigorating ascent to the top of the Snowshed peak and then a gradual descent back to the Clubhouse.
Lunch Tour
This tour is the same as the Snowshed tour with a stop at Ledgewood Yurt for a relaxing lunch. Lunch is not included in the tour price.
Bear in the Woods Tour
2 hours: Intermediate
$45 per person Age 14 + Min: 4 guests; Max: 10 guests
Gifford Woods Kent Pond loop offers a backcountry experience in close proximity to Killington. Gifford Woods State Park is a popular destination for naturalists and hikers and is known for its mixed age northern hardwood trees. The Kent Brook trail winds up and down through the woods with trail breaking possible. Transportation is necessary for this tour as we will meet at the Clubhouse and then reconvene at the winter parking lot at Gifford Woods State Park which is located on Route 100 North, ¼ mile from the junction of the Killington Access Road and Routes 4 and 100.
Up Up Up and Over the Top From Killington – Pico
4+ hours: Advanced
$95 per person Age 14 + Min: 3 guests; Max: 5 guests
This advanced tour includes over 2,500 feet of climbing and takes you from Ramshead to the summit of Pico Mountain via the 49er trail (Pico Connect) followed by a descent down Pico Mountain where you can relax in the Pico lodge while awaiting transportation back to Killington. This tour can be a real heart pounder with a long climb and trail breaking and requires one to be physically fit. Transportation is not provided back to Killington but regular bus service is available. This tour is only offered in the morning and 48 hour advanced registration required.
Ramshead Rambler Tour
2 hours: Advanced Intermediate
$45 per person Age 14+ Min: 4 guests; Max: 10 guests
Up down and all around this tour explores the trails adjacent to Ramshead and more. You will feel as if you are far from the mountain as we trek through quiet wooded areas adjacent to the mountain.
Moonlight in Vermont Tour
2 hours: Advanced Beginner – Intermediate
$50 per person Age: 14+ Min: 4 guests; Max: 10 guests
48 hours notice required; Available dates listed below
Our Classic Killington Tour under the light of the moon and stars followed by hot chocolate or warm apple cider. Tentative dates: January 3, 2015, January 31, 2015, February 3, 2015, February 28 2015, March 3, 2015 and April 4, 2015. .
Shoes and Brews Tour
2 hours: Advance beginner – Intermediate
$50 per person including a drink at the Clubhouse Age: 21+ Min: 4 guests; Max: 10 guests
Dates to be determined
Join us for a brisk trek on the Killington golf course before relaxing in the clubhouse for a well-deserved pint of a local brew.
All tours are subject to change and are always weather dependent. Guests planning on a Bear Trax Adventure Snowshoe Tour should dress in layers and wear winter boots. Ski pants are advisable. Snowshoe and poles will be provided and are included in the tour price. Headlamps are required on tours from 4 PM on with the exception of the family tours that are only one hour long. Headlamps may be rented at the Clubhouse for $5 or purchased for $10. Bear Trax guides will have a limited supply and cannot guarantee availability.
Guides will be equipped with backpacks, water, snacks and first aid kits.
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