10TH Annual Jazz Trax Snowshoe Stop Race Report

Well, this was a record year for the STOMP! The snow Gods were in full force and the race returned to its original location. The beautiful Bear Valley Cross Country Ski Area hosted the event, with a race start back at the meadow. 🙂 Paul Peterson, the owner of BVXC, set the course in fine form! The start banners were in place along with some nice flags to salute the race start, with beautiful sunny skies and air temperature around 35 degrees at 7,200 feet elevation!
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Racers were greeted and signed up by members of the NCA JAZZ, a musical group from NorthCreek Academy out of Walnut Creek, CA. The kids worked hard with the help of parents to get the race started on time. Twelve of the musicians even took on the one-mile race as well.

Race Director, Patty Jo Struve, gave a stellar performance once again of the “National Anthem” on the trumpet, to begin the ceremonies.

The 5k and 10k start went out with 51 racers! This was the largest showing for these races ever! Along with this, the One Mile event started 5 minutes later with a record 33 racers! It was so exciting to see the kids and some adults taking on the One Mile challenge. We had racers ranging from age 3 to age 78! Many of the 10k racers were returnees and new faces were welcomed from the bay area as well. Kudos to the folks who traveled from CLUB SPORT in Pleasanton, a big showing by this new group. Many of them were first-time snowshoe racers and they had a great time.

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The one-mile race was won outright by NCA student, Will Sauter, who had a big lead over the runner-up, James Walker, also from NCA. Student Natalie Neypes took the overall girl win on the heels of the boys. The best part of the one mile was seeing the 4 youngest girls run in with a dad “babysitter/runner”, they were ages 3 & 5! These folk know how to start ‘em young.

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The first 5k runner was returning winner, Jim Burton, a long time local of the community. He had a great time and close behind him was Jim Dixon. Michele Maley took the women’s crown for the 5k and she was very excited to finally take the gold in this race. Kayleen Clemens, local gal, took 2nd overall, with a win in her age group. Also, noted was finisher, Carol Pechler from the bay area, 75 years young! She looked amazing and was really pleased with the race and went home and told all her running friends about how much fun she had! The other noted racer in this event was 71-year-old, Michael Erickson, a returnee finishing strong in the 5K.

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Returning athlete from the San Jose area, Joseph Raneti, was the victor in the 10K with a very fast time of 1:02:19. He is a young runner and is a threat to the older men, at the ripe age of 16. The 10k had some newcomers this year, one being Rene Sepulueda, national snowshoe athlete, coming in 2nd place behind Raneti. 50 year old Rene took the 50-59 age group win. Not far behind him, was the 55 year old, first place woman, Vicky Johnson. Vicky has been a long competitor in this event and when she finished she said “I had to work hard for this one, those girls behind me are fast!” She has never won the 10k, but has been the 5k victor in the past, so this was very exciting for her. She was also the hostess to 25 junior high musicians (NCA JAZZ) who stayed at Tamarack Lodge, just down the road from the event.

Another amazing finish by our OLDEST competitor and my hero, was Jim Kauffold, age 78. He was headed to Nationals a week later.                                Screen Shot 2016-03-18 at 10.27.09 AM

Congrats to all of the finishers! Racers were treated to a deluxe lunch made by our awesome friend, Paula Gonzalez. She puts out a great meal for all and we love her! The awards party (and it is a party!) was the best part for the race director. She is the teacher of the NCA JAZZ and that is her passion for this event. The group played music from swing to rock for the listeners while they ate great food and received their awards and raffle prizes. Everyone went home a winner! Blessings to all!

There were many behind the scenes people to thank for helping make this event the best yet!

Paul & Diane PetersonScreen Shot 2016-03-18 at 10.30.53 AM
Tamarack Lodge
Atlas Snowshoe Company
Rudy Project
Sam Nilsen (Sound GUY)
Paula Gonzalez (Cook)
Smokin’ Barrel
Colleen Brophy
Greg Steele-NCA principal
Photographer-Denise Quan
Hazel Fisher SchoolScreen Shot 2016-03-18 at 10.31.01 AM
Clint Jodie
Subway in Arnold


Jazz Trax Snowshoe Stomp – 2016

1 Mile Race Results

Divisions Name Age Time
3-5 Year Olds
1.Solay Summersett 5 24:56:00
2.Evalyn Beauchemin 5 24:59:00
3.Sable Summersett 3 25:49:00
4.Emalie Beauchemin 3 25:50:00
Girls 12 and Under
Overall Natalie Neypes 11 14:50:00
1.Annabelle Andelin 9 15:15:00
2. Hannah Kuhnhausen 11 17:50:00
3. Hope O’Brien 11 18:00:00
Boys 12 and Under
Overall Luke Montero 8 12:07:00
1. Caleb Tseng 11 13:32:00
2. Caden Crabtree 12 14:10:00
3. Zachary Garcia 11 15:07:00
Boys 13 and Up
Overall Will Sauter 13 9:23:00
1. James Walker 13 10:40:00
2. Connor Howard 14 11:30:00
3. Noah Ricco 13 11:40:00
Overall Adult Female Stephanie Kuhnhausen 51 17:50:00
Overall Male Adult Mike O’Brien 48 14:01:00
5 K Race Results
OVERALL FEMALE Michele Maley 47 38:07:00
OVERALL MALE Jim Burton 59 32:08:00
Female 10-19 1. Marcella Reneti 13 45:41:00
2. Riana Clemens 15 48:41:00
3.Delaney Clemens 14 64:45:00
Male 10-19 1. Thomas Whimple 14 64:45:00
Female 20-29 1. Megan Barron 29 61:27:00
Male 20-29 1. Max Rob 21 34:46:00
Female 40-49 1. Kayleen Clemens 48 42:47:00
2. Alva Valle 43 50:14:00
3. Charleen Reneti 47 61:58:00
Male 40-49 1. Brian Hersh 46 60:09:00
2. Richard Reneti 49 61:27:00
Female 50-59 1. Carolyn Whimple 54 64:34:00
2. Beverly Byrum 58 67:22:00
Male 50-59 1. Jim Dixon 54 32:15:00
2. Leo Montero 50 43:52:00
3. Denny Clemens 59 50:56:00
Female 60-69 1. Thia Steding 69 56:00:00
2. Pat Geramoni 68 65:16:00
3. Elaine Erickson/Christine Chu 65 (tie) 70:28:00
Female 70-79 1. Carol Pechler 75 65:14:00
Male 70-79 1. Michael Erickson 71 73:47:00
10 K Race Results
OVERALL FEMALE Vicky Johnson 55 76:05:00
OVERALL MALE Joseph Raneti 16 62:19:00
Female 30-39 1. Josette Summersett 34 77:44:00
2. Danielle Beachemin 35 77:44:00
3. Ehmen Krause 38 111:19:00
Male 30-39 1.Jason Reed 37 75:52:00
Female 40-49 1. Wei Yang 49 141:09:00
2. Nora DiBene 46 141:10:00
Female 50-59 1. Janice Flanzbaum 55 102:30:00
2. Patty Scrivner 55 104:36:00
3. Melinda Wiley 58 114:44:00
Male 50-59 1. Rene Sepulueda 50 66:29:00
2. Gino Mendoza 50 69:37:00
3. John McAdams 50 103:37:00
Female 60-69 1. Wendy Newman 65 120:22:00
Male 60-69 1. Richard Wigt 65 106:48:00
Male 70-79 1.Jim Kauffold 78 129:24:00
1.Will Sauter 13 9:23:00
2. James Walker 13 10:40:00
3. Connor Howard 14 11:30:00
4. Noah Ricco 13 11:40:00
5.Luke Montero 8 12:07:00
6. Josh Tseng 13 12:46:00
7. Caleb Tseng 11 13:32:00
8. Mike O’Brien 48 14:01:00
9. Caden Crabtree 12 14:10:00
10. Scott Braithwaite 49 14:26:00
11. Mark Ricco 51 14:27:00
12. Gianni Morucci 13 14:30:00
13. Zachary Garcia 11 15:07:00
14. Gavin Dausses 13 20:42:00
15. Callen Cimino 12 20:43:00
16. Christian O’Brien 11 22:03:00
1. Stephanie Kuhnhausen 51 17:50:00
2. Natalie Neypes 11 14:50:00
3. Annabelle Andelin 9 15:15:00
4. Ginelle Montero 16:44:00
5. Hannah Kuhnhausen 11 17:50:00
6. Hope O’Brien 11 18:00:00
7. Gail O’ Brien 45 19:47:00
8. Faith O’Brien 12 22:06:00
9.Solay Summersett 5 24:56:00
10.Evalyn Beauchemin 5 24:59:00
11.Sable Summersett 3 25:49:00
12.Emalie Beauchemin 3 25:50:00
1.Jim Burton 59 32:08:00
2. Jim Dixon 54 32:15:00
3. Max Rob 21 34:46:00
4. Leo Montero 50 43:52:00
5. Denny Clemens 59 50:56:00
6.Brian Hersh 46 60:09:00
7. Richard Reneti 49 61:27:00
8. Thomas Whimple 14 64:45:00
9. Michael Erickson 71 73:47:00
1. Michele Maley 47 38:07:00
2. Kayleen Clemens 48 42:47:00
3. Marcella Reneti 13 45:41:00
4. Riana Clemens 15 48:41:00
5. Alva Valle 43 50:14:00
6. Thia Steding 69 56:00:00
7. Megan Barron 29 61:27:00
8. Charleen Reneti 47 61:58:00
9. Carolyn Whimple 54 64:34:00
10.Delaney Clemens 14 64:45:00
11. Carol Pechler 75 65:14:00
12. Pat Geramoni 68 65:16:00
13. Beverly Byrum 58 67:22:00
14. Elaine Erickson/Christine Chu 65 (tie) 70:28:00
16. Nancy Burton 66 73:46:00
17. Linda Deike 46 75:33:00
18. Kim Jespersen 43 75:33:00
1. Joseph Raneti 16 62:19:00
2. Rene Sepulueda 50 66:29:00
3. Gino Mendoza 50 69:37:00
4.Jason Reed 37 75:52:00
5. John McAdams 50 103:37:00
6. Art Behiel 52 104:36:00
7. Arlen Holt 52 104:45:00
8. Richard Wigt 65 106:48:00
9. Charles Byrum 58 109:45:00
10. John Lorio 56 111:19:00
11. Jim Kauffold 78 129:24:00
1. Vicky Johnson 55 76:05:00
2. Josette Summersett 34 77:44:00
3. Danielle Beachemin 35 77:44:00
4. Janice Flanzbaum 55 102:30:00
5. Patty Scrivner 55 104:36:00
6. Ehmen Krause 38 111:19:00
7. Rebecca Cavagnero 39 114:35:00
8. Melinda Wiley 58 114:44:00
9. Wendy Newman 65 120:22:00
10. Wei Yang 49 141:09:00
11. Nora DiBene 46 141:10:00
12. Maura Vrydaghs 50 143:12:00


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