Thoracic Pain and Snowshoeing

Thoracic back pain is also known as upper back pain is pain that is felt between the bottom of the neck and top of the lumbar spine. It is believed that this pain originated from muscular irritation or other soft tissue (e.g. ligament) problems. This is usually caused because of overuse injuries, lack of strength, trauma like sports injury and poor posture.

Muscular pain can be cured/ treated by trying one or more of these ways like massage therapy, exercise, active and passive physical therapy, acupuncture, chiropractors or osteopathic physicians, ice or heat therapy, trigger point massage/ injections for a specific tender point and Analgesics like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Apart from muscular pain, thoracic back pain is also caused due to problems with the joints that connect the vertebrae and the ribs. This can be cured by one or more of the following ways: Exercise and physical therapy, pain medications such as anti-inflammatory medications, manual manipulation with either a chiropractor or osteopathic physician.

Acute and/or chronic pain in the upper back can also be caused by a compression fracture of the vertebra. Pain medication and rest or vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty surgery can treat a painful vertebral compression fracture. Other causes include degenerative disc disease, a spinal disc herniation or some type of trauma that may have fractured a vertebra in the thoracic spine.

To ease your thoracic and upper back pain you can do two things. Change your postures and keep getting up from the arm chair. The power of postural change should never be underestimated. A simple break from work once every hour can ease your upper back pain.

Secondly you can also do acupressure. All you need to do is hold the acupuncture points, not rub or press hard. These points are midway between your shoulder and elbow on your outer arm and halfway down your upper arm.

You can look at even providing permanent relief from this pain by doing small things like fix the tight muscles, stimulate weak muscles, get joints moving and understand which distortion pattern you have.

Dr. Paul Burns is a Chiropractor specializing in pain management and sports injuries.  He has worked with many college and pro teams, including the Denver Broncos, the ATP and Wrangler Sports.  His multidisciplinary practice is located in the Denver Tech Center and offers the latest in evidenced based practice methodology, techniques and technology.

For more information, visit and/or call 303-694-9759.


  • Dr. Paul Burns

    Dr. Paul Burns is a Chiropractor specializing in pain management and sports injuries. He has worked with many college and pro teams, including the Denver Broncos, the ATP, and Wrangler Sports. His multidisciplinary practice is located in Englewood, CO, and offers the latest evidence-based practice methodology, techniques, and technology. For more information, visit

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About the author

Dr. Paul Burns

Dr. Paul Burns is a Chiropractor specializing in pain management and sports injuries. He has worked with many college and pro teams, including the Denver Broncos, the ATP, and Wrangler Sports. His multidisciplinary practice is located in Englewood, CO, and offers the latest evidence-based practice methodology, techniques, and technology. For more information, visit

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