New Snowshoe Hotbed

The Eastern Ontario region, for one reason or another, has traditionally not been a hotbed for snowshoe racing. In the past, we have had to travel mostly to the North-East U.S. to find races.

With the increased popularity of snowshoeing and snowshoe racing, this is changing very quickly. This winter we now have our choice of seven different snowshoe races within a three hour drive. This is very exciting for snowshoe racers in our region.

Races scheduled include the Mad Trapper Series which is just north of Ottawa, ON; Muskoka Loppet Snowshoe Race in Huntsville, ON; and the popular Snowshoe Raid Adventure Race in Barrie, ON which is the largest snowshoe event in Eastern Canada.

In addition to all of these great events, Sara and I are thrilled to be organizing the first Frontenac 8km Snowshoe Race in beautiful Frontenac Provincial Park on January 23. Frontenac Park is our favourite place to run year round and we are very excited about showcasing this bit of paradise and sharing it with other snowshoe runners for the first time.

We’ve been busy with plans and permits, and everything is coming together nicely for the race. Mother Nature has even co-operated and has dumped plenty for fresh snow on us for near perfect conditions. The course will be a combination of wide trail at the beginning to allow for a good start, but then will narrow down to some challenging sweet single track that winds through our beloved Canadian Shield.

With so many great events this winter, there is no reason not to get your fix of some great snowshoe racing. Check out the extensive Snowshoe Magazine Race Calendar for details on these races and many more.

See you on the trails.

Derrick Spafford


  • Sara Montgomery and Derrick Spafford

    Derrick and Sara are trail runners from Eastern Ontario who discovered that running on snowshoes in the winter months is a great way to enjoy their favorite trails year-round. They competed in their first snowshoe series (The Mad Trapper Series in Low, Quebec) in 2005, each finishing 2nd in their respective divisions. Plans for 2006 are to return to the Mad Trapper, to take in some races in New York and Vermont, and hopefully cap their season with the U.S. Snowshoe Championships in March, as Canadian guests. Derrick runs a company, Spafford Health and Adventure (, which specializes in coaching and event promotion. He is currently planning an annual snowshoe race to be held in the Kingston area, starting this winter.

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About the author

Sara Montgomery and Derrick Spafford

Derrick and Sara are trail runners from Eastern Ontario who discovered that running on snowshoes in the winter months is a great way to enjoy their favorite trails year-round. They competed in their first snowshoe series (The Mad Trapper Series in Low, Quebec) in 2005, each finishing 2nd in their respective divisions. Plans for 2006 are to return to the Mad Trapper, to take in some races in New York and Vermont, and hopefully cap their season with the U.S. Snowshoe Championships in March, as Canadian guests. Derrick runs a company, Spafford Health and Adventure (, which specializes in coaching and event promotion. He is currently planning an annual snowshoe race to be held in the Kingston area, starting this winter.

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