Getting Ready for 2010/11 Snowshoe Season

A sizzling summer has passed, and now another snowshoe season is just around the corner. Although autumn is an amazing season for trail running, the anticipation of the first snowfall and all the excitement that brings is also starting to simmer in the back of my mind.

Derrick and I are both finally putting lingering injuries behind us, and are entering races again. We’ll be doing a few trail events in the next months, and  then are both really excited about getting in a good snowshoe racing season. There’s nothing like being off from racing for an extended time to make you appreciate the fun you’ve been missing!

Derrick’s business, Spafford Health and Adventure, will be hosting the Dion Snowshoe Series this winter. The series will consist of three snowshoe races, with the first up Dion Frontenac Snowshoe Race on January 16  New races this year, which will make up the rest of the series, are the Frozen Ass Snowshoe Race in nearby Trenton on Feb 5, and another race which is being developed. (More information as it becomes available will be added to the above link.)

More to come soon, and in the meantime, enjoy the trails.



  • Sara Montgomery and Derrick Spafford

    Derrick and Sara are trail runners from Eastern Ontario who discovered that running on snowshoes in the winter months is a great way to enjoy their favorite trails year-round. They competed in their first snowshoe series (The Mad Trapper Series in Low, Quebec) in 2005, each finishing 2nd in their respective divisions. Plans for 2006 are to return to the Mad Trapper, to take in some races in New York and Vermont, and hopefully cap their season with the U.S. Snowshoe Championships in March, as Canadian guests. Derrick runs a company, Spafford Health and Adventure (, which specializes in coaching and event promotion. He is currently planning an annual snowshoe race to be held in the Kingston area, starting this winter.

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About the author

Sara Montgomery and Derrick Spafford

Derrick and Sara are trail runners from Eastern Ontario who discovered that running on snowshoes in the winter months is a great way to enjoy their favorite trails year-round. They competed in their first snowshoe series (The Mad Trapper Series in Low, Quebec) in 2005, each finishing 2nd in their respective divisions. Plans for 2006 are to return to the Mad Trapper, to take in some races in New York and Vermont, and hopefully cap their season with the U.S. Snowshoe Championships in March, as Canadian guests. Derrick runs a company, Spafford Health and Adventure (, which specializes in coaching and event promotion. He is currently planning an annual snowshoe race to be held in the Kingston area, starting this winter.

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