By now it should be apparent…we mean business. Snowshoe Magazine’s Web site is a living, breathing, salivating animal.
And now, we must feed its voracious appetite.
Its sister – the print version of Snowshoe Magazine – is still in the womb but kicking like a soccer player. Ultrasound tests show the little tyke is developing well…strong heart and showing signs of positive progress.
My pride aside, the print pub will be cute, cuddly and full of original content and pristine photography. I can see it now…a loyal newsstand employee breaks open a new box of Snowshoe Magazine publications that just arrived by freight…the smell of freshly published periodicals wakes the senses…a stack is placed front and center on the magazine rack by the cash register…Jane and Joe Outdoorspeople pick up a copy and decide to buy snowshoes that day…and later catch the fresh snow of some far off mountain landscape. Beautiful, isn’t it?
A thought that enters my daily meditation is Snowshoe Magazine’s goal to help develop a community of snowshoers; we seek to become a haven of information for the industry (on the Web and in print). We see our readers in three different but very succinct groups of people, worldwide: The snowshoe racers and competitors, the casual and passionate snowshoers, and the first-timers. More or less, anybody that can walk and has interest in snowshoeing becomes our audience.
As you can see with our newly designed Web site, we want to remain fresh, innovative and subservient to our snowshoeing readers. Please don’t confuse us as a corporate power in nature, we are an independent group of free thinkers and wish to represent the sport of snowshoeing as one of purity and pleasure.
We believe our planet Earth is precious. So, we will show our support for organizations and persons that seek to protect it. Without open space and public lands, snowshoers will dissipate – we find that to be unacceptable.
We’re also committed to the off-season snowshoer. During the summer, we’ll have plenty to write about and discover. Subjects to watch for include what the snowshoe manufacturers are doing to gear-up for the upcoming season, destinations around the world (it’s always snowing somewhere), shoeing uncharted territory like sand dunes and mud pits (we are serious), hiking to promote off-season health stability and fitness (cross-training is necessary) and preparing our collective snowshoeing hearts for the season ahead. We refuse to go dormant when the sun rules the skies.
From the ground up, Snowshoe Magazine works appropriately this way. Our commitment to snowshoeing starts with our commitment to living and nurturing our environment. No, granola is not our daily diet, but our backpacks are full of it.
Snowshoe or die! Well…at least try snowshoeing first.
Subscribe today to Snowshoe Magazine e-mail updates and become part of a dynasty in the making. As our motto says: “Our commitment to the sport of snowshoeing and the future of this publication will remain steadfast.” We live by it.