I breathe in. I breathe out. In. Out. In. These breaths come so quickly and forcefully that I sound...
Author - Meghan M. Hicks
Walk on the Wild Side of Utah’s Uinta Mountains in Winter
Forge east from the civilizations of Salt Lake City or Park City, Utah, and you’ll see the Uinta...
A Snowshoeing Destination Guide to Red Lodge, Montana
Red Lodge, Montana and its 2,000-ish friendly residents inhabit the place where a glacier-carved...
Where Quiet Is King: Snowshoeing in Yellowstone National Park
It’s March, and I’m roughly four snowshoeing miles from Yellowstone National Park’s Old Faithful...
The Sierra Nevada Foothills: A Cycling Adventure
A black ribbon curlicues into the distance, cutting a meandering but distinct line through the...
Jennifer Pharr Davis Goes Far in Setting the Appalachian Trail’s Supported Speed Record
Jennifer Pharr Davis possesses an appropriate name for the task she just completed. Perhaps she's...
The Man on a Mission: Pat Farmer Runs from Pole to Pole for Charity
Imagine waking up and realizing that you had to run 50 miles today. Then, picture awaking to this...
Hiking the Middle and South Tetons in One Day: Spirited, Stumbling, Never Stated
A down slope breeze whispers from the west, off the Teton Range and through the Lupine Meadows...
The Canyon Challenge: Running Rim-to-Rim-to-Rim in the Grand Canyon
The Earth yawns in front of me, opening to one of its grandest chasms. I can't see this hole or the...
Giddiness and Guardianship: Backcountry Snowshoeing in Utah’s Eastern Uinta Mountains
The credit union sign reads 8:56pm and 11 degrees Fahrenheit in Vernal, Utah. We've just vomited...
A Round Valley Romp: Snowshoeing in Park City, Utah
It's 7:22 a.m. and 15 degrees Fahrenheit on this February morning, and the sun is kissing the crest...
A Sierra Nevada Submersion: Hut-to-Hut Snowshoeing in Yosemite National Park
John Muir said that going outside for a day is akin to “going in.” According to the famed...