In the American Southwest (and throughout the world), exceptionally diverse geography and...
Unique Adventures
How To Navigate by Using the Stars
Step outside on a clear night, and the twinkling of thousands of stars will greet you. About 4,548...
Cold Weather Camping Tips and Destinations in the U.S
For us outdoor enthusiasts that love to go camping in the summer, cold weather can be a drag. But...
Make Memories With These Beginner Outdoor Photo Tips
All sorts of people, adventurers and outdoors people, use photography to tell a story and to...
Winter Camping Checklist: What To Bring on Your Trip
“I like camping in the winter more than camping in the summer.” These words were spoken to me by a...
Using Crescent Moon Foam Snowshoes While Ice Fishing
Once the snow starts to fall, it’s time to pull out those snowshoes. Exploring the trails and...
Clean Up Our Trails: The Why and How
Like our health, our environment must be taken care of to thrive. So as we head outside, we think...
Try Your Snowshoes on Sand and Go Sandshoeing
The snow: Is there anything like it? Well, maybe. There might be a new medium out there to test out...
How To Tap and Make Your Own Maple Syrup on Snowshoes
In several towns and farms in the northeast, maple syrup season signals the start of spring...
10 Ways To Get Outside & Explore Your Local Backyard This Winter
A few winters ago, we took a weekend trip to a new area in our province that we’d never visited in...
Winter Fishing: Gear Yourself Up With These Tips (& Don’t Forget Snowshoes)
When fall turns into winter, you don’t have to put your fishing rods away. You can simply trade...
Winter Photography Tips For Snowshoers
Winter can be a great time to get out and take photographs. Snow lends itself to dramatic shots...